from every quarter - translation to ολλανδικά
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from every quarter - translation to ολλανδικά

Quarter-midget; Quarter-midget racing; Quarter midget; Quarter midgets; Quarter Midgets; Quarter Midget racing
  • 1956 quarter midget

from every quarter      
uit iedere hoek
the Bukharan quarter         
  • Yehudayoff Palace ("Armon") in the Bukharan quarter
  • Decorative tiled floor of the ''Armon''
  • Bukharan Quarter of Jerusalem in 1925
  • Davidoff House
Bukharim; Bukharim quarter; Bukharim Quarter; The Bukharan Quarter
de Bukharim-woonwijk (naam van woonwijk in Jeruzalem bij Centraal Station)
every time         
Every-time; Every Time (disambiguation); Every Time (song)
iedere keer


quarter sessions
¦ plural noun historical (in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland) a court of limited criminal and civil jurisdiction and of appeal, usually held quarterly.


Quarter midget racing

Quarter midget racing is a form of automobile racing. The cars are approximately one-quarter (1/4) the size of a full-size midget car. The adult-size midget being raced during the start of quarter midget racing used an oval track of one-fifth of a mile in length. The child's quarter midget track is one quarter that length, or 1/20 mile (264 feet).

An adult-size midget in the 1940s and 1980s could reach 120 miles per hour, while the single-cylinder 7-cubic-inch quarter midget engine could make available a speed of 30 miles per hour in a rookie class (called novices), or one-quarter the speed of the adult car. Most of the competitive classes run speeds near 45 miles per hour. Current upper-class quarter midgets can exceed 45 miles per hour, but remain safe due to the limited size of the track. Quarter midget racecars have four-wheel suspension, unlike go-karts.

The drivers are typically restricted to ages 5 to 16. Tracks are typically banked ovals one-twentieth of a mile long, and have surfaces of dirt, concrete, or asphalt.

Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για from every quarter
1. Hence, the Muslims expected attack from every quarter.
2. From every quarter, your well–being and comfort were looked after.
3. Criticism of the veto was instantaneous, from every quarter of the Democratic political firmament.
4. But even he started to stoop a little under the persistent peppering of sceptical queries from every quarter.
5. Growing calls for the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) to open its taps were emanating from every quarter.